The traditional looking menu. I guess for foreigners, you would have to point at the pictures as there is no english menu available.
Cold Cuts Combination
I saw this picture in the menu and ordered immediately because it had my favourite sausage of all times! I've not blogged on this before as I've not gone back to Shanghai to eat it. While I was working there a couple of years back, I fell in love with this. It was served in a restaurant called 枣子树 and the dish name is 肠相思. Its basically veg meat with konyaku in the middle, making it really chewy and tasty. The rest of the dishes on this plate wasn't too memorable. The middle noodles was cold and the sweet and sour was gluten. As I'm not a fan of gluten, it was not to my liking. As for the other dish, it is some veg product made locally. tasted like fishballs to me although the waitress told us its chicken. Aint too bad. We ordered another dish called chili chicken, which was using this meat to cook.
Vegetables in stock
I cannot recall what this was called originally. Basically very fresh leafy veg that was cooked in milk stock (soup). Wasn't oily at all and the vegetables still tastes crunchy! It made me think of the milky fish bee hoon that we have in Singapore.
Hotplate Tofu
A dish that can't go very wrong. Nothing special as it is common in Singapore too.
My dad is a mega fan of dumplings and he always orders them when it is in the menu! One thing good about the dumpling was the skin as it was freshly made and it was really thin and full of ingredients. Ingredients was normal, comprise of mushrooms and vegetables.
I did not manage to take down the prices of the dishes as it was treated by my mum. However, I remember it costing less than RMB 200 in all, meaning 5 of us costs approximately SGD 8 each. Thats really cheap for a good dinner like such.

Location: 珠海市拱北粤华路中庭居3号铺
Tel: 6677765 8289531
Opening Hrs: till 11PM
Stay in tune.. more posts from Macau, JB and Beijing, Shanghai in FEB!!
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